Students seeking academic credit for internships through the Religious Studies Department must complete a short application in which they explain, in a brief narrative, how the work completed will enhance their coursework in the academic study of religion and discuss how the internship coheres with the department’s mission to offer students “the opportunity to study a broad range of religions from an academic perspective.”
The application must be approved by the faculty of the Religious Studies Department prior to registering for RELG 388 (Individual Internship). Internship credit will be granted only to Religious Studies majors and minors who have taken at least two courses in the department. RELG 388 must be taken pass/fail and does not satisfy requirements for the major and minor. Students may apply for 0.25, 0.5, or 1.0 units of credit, depending upon the numbers of hours required by the internship. Internships in religious studies may be pursued either in the United States or abroad.