Major & Minor
A brief look at contemporary events suffices to explain why it is important to study and understand religion. By introducing students to a wide variety of religious traditions, the department's curriculum helps students think broadly and clearly about this critical force in world affairs. Religious Studies majors learn thinking, reading, writing and communication skills that prepare them for all sorts of future careers and advanced degrees.
The Religious Studies Major
Note: The grade point average of the coursework comprising the major must be no less than 2.00 with no course grade below C- (1.7).
Nine units, including:
Four units at the 300 level, excluding RELG388, RELG395, RELG396
Five elective units in religious studies
The religious studies major is designed to offer students a broad education while providing them with the interpretive tools from the field of religious studies. The department encourages double majors. In addition, cognate courses in other departments may be included within the required nine units, with the approval in advance of the religious studies department. Under no circumstances will more than two extra-departmental courses be accepted as part of those nine units.
The Religious Studies Minor
Note: The grade point average of the coursework comprising the minor must be no less than 2.00 with no course grade below C- (1.7).
Five units, including:
Two units at the 300 level, excluding RELG388, RELG395, RELG396
Three elective units in religious studies
The religious studies minor is designed to provide basic grounding in the academic study of religion. The religious studies minor requires five units in religion, reflecting the diversity of areas and approaches that make up the religious studies department.